terça-feira, outubro 09, 2012

Dia Mundial dos Correios

Celebramos hoje o Dia Mundial de Correios em todo o mundo.

Aqui vos deixo a mensagem sobre o mesmo assunto publicada pela União Postal Universal - UPU:


9 October

World Post Day is celebrated each year on 9 October, the anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1874 in the Swiss capital, Bern. It was declared World Post Day by the UPU Congress held in Tokyo, Japan, in 1969.


The purpose of World Post Day is to create awareness of the role of the postal sector in people’s and businesses’ everyday lives and its contribution to the social and economic development of countries. The celebration encourages member countries to undertake programme activities aimed at generating a broader awareness of their Post’s role and activities among the public and media on a national scale.

New products and services

Every year, more than 150 countries celebrate World Post Day in a variety of ways. In certain countries, World Post Day is observed as a working holiday. Many Posts use the event to introduce or promote new postal products and services. Some Posts also use World Post Day to reward their employees for good service.
In many countries, philatelic exhibitions are organized and new stamps and date cancellation marks are issued. Other activities include the display of World Post Day posters in post offices and other public places, open days at post offices, mail centers and postal museums, the holding of conferences, seminars and workshops, as well as cultural, sport and other recreational activities. Many postal administrations issue special souvenirs such as T-shirts and badges.

Aqui em Lisboa lançamos hoje na Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações duas emissões filatélicas : Os selos "Correio Escolar" realizados por crianças das nossas escolas e a 2ª série de 2012 das Etiquetas de Franquia, evocadoras do Ano Internacional das Energias Sustentáveis .

À noite teremos a imposição das insígnias de antiguidade e de bons serviços aos trabalhadores dos CTT com 36 e 40 anos de serviço ativo. Lá estarei para dar um abraço aos  colegas da Filatelia que vão ser homenageados. 

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